International Orders with Rare Edition

Not in the United States? You can still send in your cards to get graded with Rare Edition! We've partnered with ShipMyCards to get cards from your doorstep to our office and back again. Just follow the steps below and we'll start grading your grails in no time at all.

Create an Account on ShipMyCards

If you choose to use ShipMyCards, you'll need to create an account with them. This allows you to start sending in cards to their receiving address prior to routing them to Rare Edition.

Send in Your Cards to ShipMyCards

Next, you should send in your cards to ShipMyCards with your ShipMyCards username written on the package. They'll automatically upload your cards to your ShipMyCards dashboard, where you can correct any information and prepare the cards for submission to Rare Edition.

Choose the Cards You Want to Grade

Pick out the cards you want to send to Rare Edition in the ShipMyCards site, and choose Rare Edition as the grading company you'll use for those cards. ShipMyCards will automatically create an order with us and ship out your cards to Rare Edition's office.

Get Your Cards Back When They're Graded

Rare Edition will send your cards back to ShipMyCards, and you choose what you want to do next: Send them back, list them to eBay, or keep them at ShipMyCards. It's up to you!

What About Other Shippers?

Any shipper that has a domestic US address can also be used as an intermediate address for grading with Rare Edition. If you choose to use a different International-to-Domestic US shipment provider, make certain you use the shipment provider's address information as your shipping address in your Rare Edition account! All cards will be sent back to the default shipping address you used to place your order.

Please also note that while other providers like ShipMyCards may accept multiple different payment methods, Rare Edition only accepts Credit and Debit payments at this time.